Thursday, November 11, 2010

Practice CAT # 5

          I believe that nowadays, the technologies such as the internet, cell phones and so on run in many good ways for children because it is really obvious that they can save their precious time, improve faster than others, make them easy for doing duties, use as learning tools and be globalized.
          In this article in "Rewired: Understanding the iGeneration and the Way They Learn" written by Larry Rosen, Ph.D., the main idea of the author is that using technology effectively on the children schoolwork and understanding and giving some guidelines for their health help them improve. The author also states that children spend a day by joining friends by social networks, text messaging and so on. Moreover, parents should not refuse children to use the technologies that make them grow and improve.
          I would say technologies play in many different roles in this age especially for the iGeneration. Basically, a child who lives in a country that has lots of high-tech cannot know the differences very well. So, some children don't know how to value the high-tech. My country, Burma, is a developing country without good internet, subway, cheap cell phone. Even not only couldn't computer students use the internet at colleges but also none of the computer was good to use. For example, professors in colleges teach the basic Microsoft office such as Microsoft Word or Excel and so on without using computers. Then it is very ridiculous that students have to take those exam by hand-writing on exam papers. Moreover, there is no social life or networks for children in the internet. They always find lots of difficulties to learn what they want or read because of lacking technologies. Their improvement is literally slower than others' in developed countries.
          Compared with that country, children in developed countries have a lot of chance to use technology as much as they can in order to improve more. Using technologies effectively, children can save their time, my first reason and spend the time that they save doing other stuffs as well. For instance, if a child need to do three things in one day including go shopping, making inquiry about one category and studying, he would save a lot of time by using the internet or the phone to order some food and to find out what he wants to know. So, he could do three things in one day for the reason of technologies. On the other hand, he could be faster than others who couldn't use the internet and the phone.
           Then, children use the internet as learning tools to make their school work more efficiently. For example, they can research the articles what they want, present their power-point presentation with a projector and learn other language pronunciations on online. In addition, nowadays, children can aware of everything around the world to get more knowledge by using the internet.
           Eventually, children can do their social life with high-tech such as they can keep in touch with their friends, relatives who live far away from their house. It is required in a part of their life as a social issue. When they are always busy with their schoolwork and studying and don't have time to go out with some friends, social networking is one of the medicines that can release some of their loneliness and study stress.          
           No doubt technologies are very important in children's lives due to above reasons. I would agree with the author saying that there are side effects of using technologies ineffectively such as causing health problems. But it would be more efficient if children use technologies in good ways and parents understand them and give some advices that how to take care of their health successfully.


  1. I think that is very good but you have to write more. I like the ideas you use.

  2. Hi! Be sure to use the author's name and mention the title of the reading. Also using a direct quote from the reading will improve the essay. Good work on the thesis.

  3. Prof. could u please check again because I finished it right now.

  4. your ideas are very good.

    some sentences were confusing.
    for example this one :
    Using technologies effectively, children can save their time, my first reason and spend the time that they save doing other stuffs as well.

    what stuffs? be a little bit more clear and re write this sentence

    overral is good and i like the way you compared things just work on sentence structure.

  5. My overall response to her essay is that she on the right track with the author's main points however I felt that she needs to separate her ideas little more. She also needs to proof read her work more closely and she needs to work on her conclusion.
